Patron Silver Tequila 375ml

Patron Silver Tequila 375ml


Patron Silver is called young or "joven" tequila. A similarity may be made to a young or nouvelle wine. It is known for its lite, fresh, crystal clear look and an elegant smoothness not found in other silver tequilas. Many prefer this smooth soft and lite tequila over an aged and slightly oaky flavor. Those that know the difference may find Patron Silver the finest silver tequila available. It is perfect for blending, with high quality mixer or may easily be sipped as is recommended with Patron Anejo and Patron Reposado.

Patron tequilas are exceptional for a reason. Firstly they are produced from 100% Weber Tequilana Blue Agave which when grown in this region of Jalisco is known to produce excellent high quality "honey" or sugar levels.

The second and primary reason for the excellence of Patrn tequilas can be equated to time and care.

Like great wines the creation of a great tequila cannot be rushed. The basic reason that Patron tequilas are priced as they are is due to using only the highest quality "agave pineapples", properly selected, trimmed and thereafter allowing natures time for cooking, fermenting, distilling and aging. Excellence can not be forced. All of this time and care results in the unequaled soft, smooth and delicious Patron tequilas.