Purity Vodka Signature 34 Edition

Purity Vodka Signature 34 Edition

Perfectly balanced, this signature edition has won more than 150 international awards and is recognized for its character, smoothness and ability to be enjoyed neat or blended for unforgettable cocktails.
Signature 34 Edition is the company's original vodka, with a decade spent refining the number of distillations required by their master distiller, Stefan Magnusson, to create this extraordinary spirit. The slow, demanding process of distilling the heart of this vodka 34 times is necessary to reach the ‘heart of the spirit,’ and bring all the depth and complexity of the flavors to the fore.


93pts, 2021
Wine Enthusiast Magazine

97pts, 2017
Ultimate Sprit Challenge

Best Vodka, 2017
Ultimate Sprit Challenge

Gold Medalist, 2017
International Wine & Spirit Comp.

95pts, 2016
Ultimate Sprit Challenge

95pts, 2015
Ultimate Sprit Challenge