Clairin Le Rocher The Spirit of Haiti Rum

Clairin Le Rocher The Spirit of Haiti Rum

In 2017, one of the most prominent producers of Haitian Clairin accepted to bottle his creation, letting rhum lovers around the world discover the complexity of Le Rocher. Romulus Bethel’s distillery is located in Pignon, in the northern arrondissement of Saint-Raphael, no more than an hour of dirt road from St. Michel, the village where Sajous' distillery is. Le Rocher is produced from syrup, not from pure juice. The syrup is slowly boiled in order to preserve all the aromas of the rum, while retaining the character of the of cane. Le Rocher is an artisanal single pot still rum, bottled 'still proof' without any dilution.

A bit feisty – you don’t need to get close to the glass to get a hit of white wine fruit and a touch of spice. A proper sniff brings sweeter notes, with roasted bananas and cream backed up by cooked agave and a touch of rich riverbank loam. Aniseed and white chocolate develop.

Softer and sweeter than expected from the nose, with the bananas back and paired with sultanas and baked apples. Some darker, oily-engine notes hide at the back, with green and browning leaves, creamy custard and a touch of bitter licorice bridging the gap.

Leafy spice and soft, sweet banana linger. A multi-faceted expression, with well-balanced light and dark notes.

46.5% ABV